101 in 1,001

So I've decided I need a big project. Lately I feel that all I really do is work, sleep and eat, and I really want to have other things that I can do. I stumbled upon this idea on a blog that I read, and I love it. So, I'm going to try to do it.

Here's how it works: You come up with 101 goals. They can be anything: things you've been putting off, things you've always wanted to do, things to make yourself better. You set a start date, and you have 1,001 days to complete all 101 tasks.

It sounds simple, but more than likely I won't finish every single thing. However, it seems like fun to try. I love to feel like I've accomplished something and I love lists, so this seems like a good fit for me. So, without further ado, here is my list of 101 goals.

Start: Friday, March 11, 2011
End: Friday, December 6, 2013

Progress: 24/101

1. Travel Internationally
2. Go on a cruise
3. Go on a weekend getaway to NYC
4. Go on a vacation with Blair (6/10/11)
5. Go back to Ohio
6. See Conan’s show live
7. Go snorkeling
8. Go to Hawaii
9. Take a picture in front of the Las Vegas sign (6/10/11)
10. Spend a day exploring Houston
11. See a musical on Broadway

12. Pay off all credit card debt
13. Build a savings account that could sustain us for 6 months
14. Increase Ted’s 401k
15. Start a 403B retirement account
16. Pay off 10% of private student loan principal
17. Save $20 for every task I complete

18. Study all the pieces for the upcoming HS season before it begins (0/2)
19. Visit an art museum once a year (2/2)
20. Take Audrey and Anna to the Natural History Museum
21. Sponsor an animal at the zoo
22. Go to 3 plays (1/3)
23. Go to 3 operas (0/3)
24. Go to 3 ballets (0/3)
25. Go to Carnegie Hall for a performance (5/7/12)
26. Attend an art exhibit opening
27. Take Audrey to a HS family concert

28. Lose enough weight to have a healthier BMI
29. Work out at least once a week for 3 months straight (0/12)
30. Work out at least twice a week for 3 months straight (0/24)
31. Complete the C25K program
32. Join a yoga class

Learning / Self Improvement / Random
33. Take a cooking class
34. Avoid drinking sodas for a month
35. Read 30 books on the Radcliffe’s Rival 100 Best Novels (1/30)
36. Write my thesis and successfully defend it.  (4/2013)
37. Play in an ensemble again
38. Participate in a charity walk for a good cause
39. Learn to sew
40. Scan all of my childhood pictures onto a jump drive for safe keeping
41. Blog at least once a week
42. Send Christmas cards (2/2) (12/2013)
43. Make homemade pasta
44. Make homemade bread
45. Get a promotion (8/2011) (7/2012)
46. Listen to every song in my itunes at least once
47. Make a will
48. Attend my 10 year High School reunion (6/11/11)
49. Teach Sly a trick (3/16/2011)

50. Go on a date once a month with Ted 
51. Do something with my grandma at least once a month
52. Have dinner with my parents at least once a month
53. Have dinner with my in-laws at least once a month
54. Go out with Megan and Anthony once a month
55. Throw each of the S’port girls a baby shower (3/3) (8/2011; 5/2012; 6/2012)
56. Make a new friend  (2012/2013)
57. Have a baby   (4/2013)

Things to Own
58. A new car (7/15/11)
59. A designer purse  (12/25/11)
60. A new TV for our bedroom (3/2013)
61. A new digital camera
62. A video camera
63. An elliptical machine
64. A piece of jewelry from Tiffany’s

Home Improvement
65. Renovate kitchen
66. Turn one of the upstairs bedrooms into a complete guestroom
67. Clean out / Organize all boxes in the upstairs bedrooms (7/2011)
68. Buy another chair for the living room. (5/2011)
69. Buy a king size bed (8/2012)
70. Hire someone to take care of our lawn twice a month
71. Hire someone to ‘deep clean’ our house twice a month
72. Landscape the front yard, including flowers and nice shrubbery
73. Change the decor of our bedroom
74. Get wood floors for the living room
75. Finish installing ceiling fans throughout the house (1/4)
76. Put together a hurricane supplies kit
77. Buy a new couch for the game room
78. Print and frame more photos to hang around the house

79. Go to 10 new restaurants (3/10)
80. Go to 5 concerts / shows (5/5) (Maroon 5; Jason Mraz / Christina Perri; Kristin Chenowith; Idina Menzel; various HS concerts)
81. Watch every movie that has won the Best Picture Oscar (1/84)
82. Go to one of those art class / wine nights
83. Visit 3 wineries (0/3)
84. Start a new tradition
85. Go to a murder mystery dinner / weekend  (1/2012)
86. Hire an awesome photographer to do family portraits  (10/2013)
87. Go fishing
88. Host a BBQ
89. Have a picnic
90. Go to a drive-in movie
91. Buy a Magic 8 ball and base all my decisions on it for a day
92. Participate in a dance class
93. Go to a Karaoke bar
94. Attend High Tea
95. Go to an Astros game (6/2012)
96. Have dinner by candlelight
97. Host a dinner party
98. Have a spa day
99. Dress up for Halloween
100. Take pictures in a photo booth (6/2012)
101. Throw a surprise party (10/2013)