I would apologize for the extended absence, but I'm following the thought process of another blogger I read who said that apologizing for not blogging is silly cause it generally means you are out living your life and are just too busy to type it all out. So here's what you've missed....
We have a new niece and she is pretty amazing. She was born on November 3rd, weighing in at 6lbs 15oz. I feel so blessed to be a part of this little girl's life from the start. It really makes me think about babies...as in I want one.
I know, I know, for the longest time I said I would never ever have kids. However, that was before T came into my life and now I want little baby T's running around. I think before I really couldn't comprehend loving someone so much that you want to just see that love in a little human form. For some odd reason I imagine our little boy to look like the cartoon Chicken Little:
I think I picture this because both T and I were really skinny kids and we have lots of dorky tendencies. I can tell my Mom is gearing up for the grandkids, and recently B demanded that I give her a baby to dress up and spoil soon. My Dad just wants me to finish my thesis before I have a kid, but I'm kinda hoping I get put on bed rest whilst pregnant and I can write it then as I won't have anything else I can do. I don't know when we'll actually have a kid...only time will tell. In the meantime I will spoil my nieces and get my baby fix that way.
We went to Disney World. It was amazing. I think I"ll do a review of the trip for my next post.
Sly is super awesome, even if he hates everyone except me, T & B. I love snuggling with my pups and I plan to spoil him rotten this Christmas. He currently has a small cold, and I need to take him to the vet cause every time he coughs it sounds like he's choking and that freaks me out big time.
Work is far too busy. The tour was successful and I'm glad it is done. I have some projects that I was hoping to be in charge of, but I don't know if that is really going to happen now. We'll see what the future holds with work.
I've cut a few people out of my life. Too much drama. I've decided that some people, whether or not they are family members, just don't deserve an invitation to the party that is my life anymore. And man, it feels good knowing I never have to set eyes on them again if I don't want to. Though I find I have a hard time avoiding them around the holidays. Luckily I have a plan for this year...I'll have to see if it works out and maybe I can use it again next year. If you knew the details (and some of you do) then you'd understand why I'm so harsh about this whole thing. If you want to know details, I'm more than happy to give you an earful.
Christmas is only two weeks away. I have several people to buy for still. This stresses me out.
Ok, I think you are mostly caught up now. I"ll be back soon(ish) with a Disney World Review. Until then...toodles!
All I can say is, Love it!