So we woke up early (for us anyway) so we could get into MGM Studios and get some fast passes for the major rides like Rockin' Roller Coaster, Tower of Terror and the new Toy Story ride. We ran over to the dining hall to fill up our mugs...oh, I never mentioned the mugs! Each resort sells a refillable mug for like, $14 that you can use for unlimited refills on soft drinks, water, tea and coffee for as long as you are staying there. If you go over to another resort, you can use it there too. After doing the math, we decided this was a much better value than buying a drink everytime we ate at the resort. So every morning and evening we filled up our mugs multiple times. I recommend getting them if you go.
Anyway, we noticed on our way to the park that none of the signs or announcements referred to it as MGM was referred to as Disney Studios. I was like, ok am I confused or what? I know we called it MGM the past two trips to Florida, but I had to know what the scoop was. I pulled out my handy dandy guidebook that my boss gave me as a gift (he's pretty awesome like that) and it explained that they changed the name when Disney parted ways with MGM. I didn't realize they did that, but I guess if you are no longer in business with a company you would want to get rid of their marketing presence in your park. I was glad to have that all cleared up, but honestly it will forever be MGM to me...just like the old grocery store in Crosby will be Jay's, not Arlen's.
We made it to the park and made a mad dash to the fast pass line for the Toy Story ride. Unfortunately, they ran out and the line was already close to 90 minutes long :(. We kept hoping that the line would dwindle, but it never did. I heard it is a really really awesome ride. We decided to go get a fast pass for Rockin' Roller Coaster and then get in line for Tower of Terror. I loved Tower of Terror when I was there with the band. I was all kinds of excited to ride it again. I should have realized, hey you are 12 years older now, your body may not like it as much...cause I did not have nearly as much fun. I'm not so sure I'll ride it ever again. T of course loved it.
We headed over to Rockin' Roller Coaster as our Fast Pass time was quickly approaching. I did not want to ride this coaster at all. I hate going in loops, and everyone said it was super awesome, which in my lingo means really intense and scary. But T begged me to ride with him and I couldn't say no. I should have said no. The initial 0 to 60 take off knocked the wind out of me. The rest of the ride was fine, though I was mildly panicked over if my purse was going to fly out from between my legs the whole damn time. Note to theme parks everywhere: If the guidebook says you have lockers, HAVE LOCKERS. I had a really hard time finding places to stow my purse on your rides, and you didn't provide a facility nearby for me to lock it in. It was kinda annoying. I need my purse to carry stuff in, like the expensive mug I bought from you or my park map or my sunscreen.
After the scary roller coaster, we decided to get some lunch. We found turkey legs, and turkey legs make me very happy. It was really tasty and big. In fact, I couldn't finish mine cause I was full but T almost picked the bone clean. The rest of the afternoon we mostly spent wandering around looking for Up! merchandise. Yeah, WDW seems to only focus on Toy Story and Cars when it comes to merchandise. Not a Wall-e or Dug to be seen :( We also watched the stunt show thing with cars. I found it incredibly boring. T thought it was "neat".
MGM...I mean Disney Studios - quite fun
Tower of Terror - not for people who feel old, like me
Rockin' Roller Coaster - never. again. ever.
Lack of Lockers - annoying
Turkey Leg - Delicious
Stunt Show - a snooze
Next up in Mer and T's excellent adventure: Food and Wine and Fireworks, Oh My!
I'm a newlywed first-time home owner living in a very small town in Texas. I figure my life is just as interesting as the Real Housewives and probably more entertaining. Here you can read about my various adventures / shenanigans with my husband Ted as we navigate our new life together.
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Thursday, January 27, 2011
So I now realize I haven't blogged in like, a month. Whoops. I'm sorry about that. I promise to do better. Again, here's what you've missed...
I got a Kitchenaid Stand Mixer for Christmas. I love it. I've made cookies with it, but I intend to make pies and cakes and cupcakes and meatballs too. Santa T did real good. It looks like this:

Unfortunately, I won't be making a huge amount of baked goods with my mixer, because I started Weight Watchers at the beginning of January. Yall, I need to get healthy, and one of the big parts of getting healthy is to lose some weight. It was really, really difficult to get on the scale, but I did and it was extremely humbling. But, I've lost two pounds without trying that hard. I've been good about thinking about what I eat at work. I eat breakfast now (Cheerios are great!) and I take a vitamin. Plus, I bring my food to work with me now, so I'm gonna be saving about $40 a week in food costs...which equals $160 a month...which equals almost $2k a year. I think T should be really proud of me. Now I just need to get thinking about my dinners and what we eat when I get home.

Sly is doing well. We've decided he needs to sleep in his own bed now. T is tired of having Sly lick him in the middle of the night. I personally see this as a sign of affection. T said that only I should be showing him affection with tongue. I told him he was gross.
That's all for now. I'll be back with more WDW reviews soon.
I got a Kitchenaid Stand Mixer for Christmas. I love it. I've made cookies with it, but I intend to make pies and cakes and cupcakes and meatballs too. Santa T did real good. It looks like this:
Unfortunately, I won't be making a huge amount of baked goods with my mixer, because I started Weight Watchers at the beginning of January. Yall, I need to get healthy, and one of the big parts of getting healthy is to lose some weight. It was really, really difficult to get on the scale, but I did and it was extremely humbling. But, I've lost two pounds without trying that hard. I've been good about thinking about what I eat at work. I eat breakfast now (Cheerios are great!) and I take a vitamin. Plus, I bring my food to work with me now, so I'm gonna be saving about $40 a week in food costs...which equals $160 a month...which equals almost $2k a year. I think T should be really proud of me. Now I just need to get thinking about my dinners and what we eat when I get home.
Sly is doing well. We've decided he needs to sleep in his own bed now. T is tired of having Sly lick him in the middle of the night. I personally see this as a sign of affection. T said that only I should be showing him affection with tongue. I told him he was gross.
That's all for now. I'll be back with more WDW reviews soon.
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