I got a Kitchenaid Stand Mixer for Christmas. I love it. I've made cookies with it, but I intend to make pies and cakes and cupcakes and meatballs too. Santa T did real good. It looks like this:
Unfortunately, I won't be making a huge amount of baked goods with my mixer, because I started Weight Watchers at the beginning of January. Yall, I need to get healthy, and one of the big parts of getting healthy is to lose some weight. It was really, really difficult to get on the scale, but I did and it was extremely humbling. But, I've lost two pounds without trying that hard. I've been good about thinking about what I eat at work. I eat breakfast now (Cheerios are great!) and I take a vitamin. Plus, I bring my food to work with me now, so I'm gonna be saving about $40 a week in food costs...which equals $160 a month...which equals almost $2k a year. I think T should be really proud of me. Now I just need to get thinking about my dinners and what we eat when I get home.
Sly is doing well. We've decided he needs to sleep in his own bed now. T is tired of having Sly lick him in the middle of the night. I personally see this as a sign of affection. T said that only I should be showing him affection with tongue. I told him he was gross.
That's all for now. I'll be back with more WDW reviews soon.
The whole Sly thing reminds me of y'all co-sleeping with a baby. So funny. And somewhat good practice for the real thing.