Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Random Things

I couldn't come up with a witty title for this post. Sorry. Also, instead of a narrative update, I'm going to stick with bullet points.

  • I finally found a dress to wear to the ball. It came down to 2 dresses that I bought and then mulled over for a few days. At the end of the day, I wanted to have a ballgown in the truest sense of the word. I lurrrve it. Oh, and it was on clearance. Original price: $375. My price: $112.50. Yay for being thrifty!
  • We went to Ikea the other day and continued to dream about finishing our living room and getting the bookshelves / tables / chair that are required to do that. I tried lingonberry preserves for the first time ever and I'm now a fan.

    • Speaking of home related things, I've been bitten by the home renovation bug. I am currently making plans to finally set up a guest bedroom, redo our master bedroom, and possibly paint our kitchen cabinets. I want to be a busy bee for the next few months. I found a home blog that is beyond inspirational, and I'll share that in an upcoming post.
    • Our Vegas plans are coming along nicely. Thanks to my mom I was able to call a VIP number at MGM and we got a better room rate, which means we saved $220. Now I don't feel so guilty about going to see Viva Elvis because that more than covers our ticket price.

    • Blair is graduating in less than two months. This makes me feel old, but I'm really hopefully she gets an amazing job in Houston and I'll get to see her more. If she gets a job somewhere else, I'll just kidnap her and make her stay. Just kidding...a little.
    • I turned 28. I still don't know how I feel about that.
    • There has been some extended family drama lately. It has made me appreciate how normal my parents really are. I am extremely grateful that they raised Blair and I the way they did. I hope and pray that when I have kids I am capable of treating them as well as my parents treated us.
    I guess that's all for now. I'll be back soon with my Obsession of the Week.

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