Wednesday, December 7, 2011

WEverb11 #7: Travel

Where did you travel this year? What was your favorite part? If you didn’t get to travel, where do you want to go next year?

We had a pretty good travel year.  In June, we celebrated Blair's graduation from Baylor by taking a family trip to Las Vegas.  I love going to Vegas  and I wish we could afford to go more often!

In a few days we are taking a trip to Orlando to go to Disney World and Universal with Jess and Terry.  I am so excited to see the parks all decked out in Christmas decor.  I am just as excited to go on a vacation with two of my dearest friends and celebrate not only our anniversaries, but their upcoming addition to their family!

I'm not sure if I can talk Ted into it, but if we can pay off the Florida trip in a timely manner, I would love to go to Hawaii or maybe even London next year. 

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