Oh ok now I get your attitude. *Rolls eyes and walks away*
That was a good chunk of my weekend. I'm going to vent a little now. M'Kay?
If my obviously not serious blog and the humor behind it offends you, you don't know me very well ok? And the whole not knowing me very well, well who's fault is that really? Though, if I were to be completely honest, the reason you don't know me very well is probably because I choose for it to be that way. I don't need people in my life who are going to bring the drama...I do that just fine on my own. So, if this blog offends you over a simple, tongue-in-cheek statement about when I was a kid, well frankly you should just stop reading and go on your merry little way, especially if you harbor some major ill feelings to begin with and don't really seem to like me all that much. Why be so fascinated with what this blog says if you have no real interest in my non-internet related life?
Maybe I'm being too harsh. I don't really know. I just know I have a really hard time dealing with stuff in my head as it is and I don't need extra sprinkles of crap like what went down this weekend. I'm beyond over it. I have so much good in my life and this type of thing completely grabs my attention away from the good. This kind of thing makes me feel like I'm back in the pettiness that is high school and I'm 27 for heaven's sake...I should be done with this by now!
Ok that's my vent. I promise to blog about my super awesome adventure with my hubs and B later today.
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