So the arts organization I work for is going on a really big tour in October, and I've done a lot of work for it. Unfortunately, there is not enough money in the budget for me to get to go on the tour. I'm seriously bummed (and a bit bitter too) so to alleviate that depression T and I have decided to take a vacation so I don't sit in my cube and sulk for two weeks...cause I'm a whiner/pouter and that's what I do when I don't get my way.
We've narrowed it down to 3 possibilities, but we are having a hard time deciding what to do. Here are our options with a pro/con list.
1. Disney World - I love me some Disney World, and I haven't been since 1999. Disney was the choice vacation spot for my family and I'm pretty sure that's where we'll be taking our kids one day in the distant future. T, however, doesn't really feel the Disney love. He went on that same band trip in 1999 and hated it. He told me about how miserable he was, and I was in disbelief because who would ever describe a trip to Disney as 'miserable'!?! I feel like I need to prove to him that it is indeed the happiest place in the universe and he'll totally agree after he experiences Disney the Meredith way. So here are the pro/cons:
I love Disney
There is a food and wine festival going on when we would be there and frankly, we love to eat
It would be at a great time of year: not too hot and not very many kids at the park because of the school calendar
It is a little pricey but if we skimped on some stuff between now and October we'd make it work. But I don't like to skimp on anything ever.
T doesn't like Disney all that much
While it won't be hella hot outside, it is still hurricane season and with our luck a Category 18 Killer Mega Hurricane would develop and plop down right on top of Orlando that week.
2. Hawaii - I love Hawaii, but not as much as Disney. I went on a college trip to Oahu and The Big Island in 2004 and it was AMAZING. The views were spectacular, and I loved all of the cultural stuff you can do on Oahu. T's never been and has always wanted to go. He'd love to take a trip to Pearl Harbor because he's a big WWII history buff.
Beautiful and relaxing
The weather should be good
T would be giddy
EXPENSIVE - a bit over budget, but it would probably be well worth it.
3. Cruise - We've never done a cruise, but everyone and their mom seem to love them. I'm not sold; I think I'd get really bored because I'm not really interested in going on an excursion in Mexico (though Carnival has this underwater scooter thing that looks hilarious) or am I interested in laying by a pool doing nothing. Everyone says that there are plenty of activities, but T and I aren't really "activities" kind of people unless we have a group to do it with. I'm worried we'll get on the boat and do nothing but sit in our room and eat lots of food because we can't seriously go to one of the lounge acts for fear we'd make fun of it and giggle the whole time. Plus, we don't really do formal anything anymore. We had a wedding to get that out of our system. Despite all this, I still kinda want to see what the big deal is since seriously, every. single. person. has told us to go on a cruise.
Less time off of work
Most Affordable - we wouldn't have to fly anywhere
What if we hate it by day 2?
Forced Socialization isn't really our thing
Pirates (laugh if you want to, but B has a very severe fear that this would happen should she ever step foot on a cruise ship, I kid you not)
Ok those are the choices. Help me pick.
I wasn't too impressed with the cruise. Just fly somewhere you want to go, don't take a boat. You are absolutely right about all the cons with the cruise. Disney World and Hawaii, great ideas. Ted may come around with Disney world. Our friends went for their anniversary, they had a blast.
ReplyDeletethey're real.