So I'm currently watching the ADT guy install our new security system. It is something I've wanted to get since we moved into the house, but Ted resisted for ten months before giving in on Thursday night. He ultimately wants me to have a peace of mind, but I think deep down he'd prefer not to have the expense. I feel bad for being a Nervous Nelly, but with my childhood, you'd understand why.
My mom is a very nervous person. I love her to death, but I hate driving with her as my passenger because it is a constant "Look out!" "Watch it!" or the sudden sharp intake of air followed by the gripping of the 'oh shit' handle above my car door. The slightest hint of bad weather has her preparing for a category 5 hurricane. When I lived in Ohio if she saw something on the news about a murderer in Cleveland she called to make sure I always remembered to lock my doors. Like she needed to check. She raised me to be just as nervous as she is.
When Blair and I were kids, Dad did a lot of shift work. There were several weeks throughout the year where he worked nights. This would throw my mom into panic mode and she would turn our house into Fort Knox, if we slept at home at all. Sometimes we would sleep at my grandma's cause mom was so worried something would happen. I'm pretty sure Mom would have made a space like this if it had been possible:
Want to know our routine for those weeks? First, Mom made sure the three porch lights were working, and they were left on all night. Then, she made sure the screen door was locked, as well as the three locks on the main door. Then, two of our dining room chairs were placed against the door. Of course, we had two more chairs against the back door as well as the side door. Blair and I made sure we had all the necessary pillows, stuffed animals and blankets, and then Mom would barricade us in her room. Sometimes I'd sleep in a big pallet of blankets on the floor; other times all three of us would snuggle up in my parent's water bed. The thing I remember most is Mom not sleeping, constantly worrying that someone would try to break in while Dad wasn't home.
So, of course this had a huge effect on me. I hate sleeping somewhere alone. In college when a roommate would go away for the weekend, doors were blocked with chairs and lights were left on all night. The TV was also left on because the noise was a comfort. These habits have not changed at all. I've gotten to the point that I have to have the TV on no matter what. Luckily I have an understanding husband. The idea of a home invasion scares the hell out of me, and I fear that my paranoia over it will only increase once we have kiddos.

So, that's why we're getting a security system: I'm a scaredy cat. But can you blame me? Today's world can be a scary place.

ReplyDeleteI know how you feel! Somewhat...I don't like being home alone in waco. I've seen too many criminal minds...Definitely don't watch that unless I'm with someone or it's the middle of the day!