Thursday, May 23, 2013


It is 12:30 am on a Thursday night / Friday morning. My husband, dog, and new baby girl are all sleeping soundly next to me as I lay (lie? I can never remember which to use when) here thinking about life. I should be sleeping, but true to form I can't stop my active mind as it over thinks a random assortment of topics. Tonight I can't help but be thankful and overwhelmingly content with the current state of my life. Some bullet points:

  • I had a baby. She is perfect. We are your typical new parents who are fascinated with our daughter yet terrified of her at the same time. I catch myself staring at her at least once a day, dumbfounded that she is real and finally here. We waited so long for her and went through some hard stuff to make our hope a reality, and I know we are so blessed.  I was a champion pregnant lady - I ended up not gaining a pound and my labor was textbook.  If I were promised the exact same pregnancy I would not hesitate in doing it again.
  • I finished my thesis. Finally. It is nice to not have the thing hanging over my head anymore. I didn't realize how guilty I felt about it all these years - I feel lighter now that it is done. I think I made my parents proud. I'm really grateful for everyone who had a hand in getting it finished.
  • My family is well. We've had a few scares and health mysteries, but so far we have overcome. I am thankful God is hearing our prayers. 
There are more good things, but I'll get into more details in future posts. I guess this post is mostly me reflecting on how good things are now and how even just a year ago it didn't seem like I would ever get to this kind of serenity. However this contentment also carries with it a certain fearful undertone, as my eternal pessimistic side rears its ugly head. I know that bad things can happen at any moment (just watching the daily news proves that) and I need to embrace and appreciate the good times in real time. So that being said, I'm now going to put away the tablet, watch my daughter sleep for a few minutes, then try to relax.

It is so nice to be...dare I say it...happy.  I hope happiness finds you too. Until next time...