Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Labor Day - Metaphorically and Literally

So this weekend was Labor Day weekend, so T and I decided to get the heck out of Houston and go see the S'port girls (and husbands). Can I just say again I love these peeps? I am so glad we have kept in touch and have been so great about getting together as often as we can.

When we arrived Saturday morning at Lil' Brudder's house, she first gave me a tour of her awesome new house (seriously J, it is super cute!) and then she shoves a book in my hands. It took me a minute to realize what the title was: 1,000 Baby Names. It all sunk in and I squealed for two minutes and did what I like to call the "pee dance" (if I had a video camera I'd show you, but I've been asking for two gift giving holidays now and no camera has appeared). Then Lil' Brudder calmed me down to say they weren't preggers yet, just decided to try. So then I said "oh...but that's still AMAZING EEEEEEEEEE" and did the pee dance some more.

So the rest of the weekend the topic at hand was all things baby. I'm not going to lie, I've felt the itch lately. I guess I'm settled now and I just know that's the next step. Plus I have the house and dog now...I need a new project. All of my S'port girls are feeling the baby itch, and it is really exciting to all be in the same place at the same time life-wise. We all declared what names were "ours" and then spent an hour at Barnes & Noble flipping through pregnancy books (FYI What to Expect when You Are Expecting is INTENSE). I'm excited that we are for real-reals grown ups now.

So this Labor Day weekend kind of felt like the metaphorical beginning of all our "labor days" to be. See what I did there?

What'd yall do on your Labor Day weekend?

1 comment:

  1. I didn't even think about it like "labor" day! Haha! I'm so glad I have you guys! :)
