So the arts organization I work for is going on a really big tour in October, and I've done a lot of work for it. Unfortunately, there is not enough money in the budget for me to get to go on the tour. I'm seriously bummed (and a bit bitter too) so to alleviate that depression T and I have decided to take a vacation so I don't sit in my cube and sulk for two weeks...cause I'm a whiner/pouter and that's what I do when I don't get my way.
We've narrowed it down to 3 possibilities, but we are having a hard time deciding what to do. Here are our options with a pro/con list.
1. Disney World - I love me some Disney World, and I haven't been since 1999. Disney was the choice vacation spot for my family and I'm pretty sure that's where we'll be taking our kids one day in the distant future. T, however, doesn't really feel the Disney love. He went on that same band trip in 1999 and hated it. He told me about how miserable he was, and I was in disbelief because who would ever describe a trip to Disney as 'miserable'!?! I feel like I need to prove to him that it is indeed the happiest place in the universe and he'll totally agree after he experiences Disney the Meredith way. So here are the pro/cons:
I love Disney
There is a food and wine festival going on when we would be there and frankly, we love to eat
It would be at a great time of year: not too hot and not very many kids at the park because of the school calendar
It is a little pricey but if we skimped on some stuff between now and October we'd make it work. But I don't like to skimp on anything ever.
T doesn't like Disney all that much
While it won't be hella hot outside, it is still hurricane season and with our luck a Category 18 Killer Mega Hurricane would develop and plop down right on top of Orlando that week.
2. Hawaii - I love Hawaii, but not as much as Disney. I went on a college trip to Oahu and The Big Island in 2004 and it was AMAZING. The views were spectacular, and I loved all of the cultural stuff you can do on Oahu. T's never been and has always wanted to go. He'd love to take a trip to Pearl Harbor because he's a big WWII history buff.
Beautiful and relaxing
The weather should be good
T would be giddy
EXPENSIVE - a bit over budget, but it would probably be well worth it.
3. Cruise - We've never done a cruise, but everyone and their mom seem to love them. I'm not sold; I think I'd get really bored because I'm not really interested in going on an excursion in Mexico (though Carnival has this underwater scooter thing that looks hilarious) or am I interested in laying by a pool doing nothing. Everyone says that there are plenty of activities, but T and I aren't really "activities" kind of people unless we have a group to do it with. I'm worried we'll get on the boat and do nothing but sit in our room and eat lots of food because we can't seriously go to one of the lounge acts for fear we'd make fun of it and giggle the whole time. Plus, we don't really do formal anything anymore. We had a wedding to get that out of our system. Despite all this, I still kinda want to see what the big deal is since seriously, every. single. person. has told us to go on a cruise.
Less time off of work
Most Affordable - we wouldn't have to fly anywhere
What if we hate it by day 2?
Forced Socialization isn't really our thing
Pirates (laugh if you want to, but B has a very severe fear that this would happen should she ever step foot on a cruise ship, I kid you not)
Ok those are the choices. Help me pick.
I'm a newlywed first-time home owner living in a very small town in Texas. I figure my life is just as interesting as the Real Housewives and probably more entertaining. Here you can read about my various adventures / shenanigans with my husband Ted as we navigate our new life together.
Monday, June 28, 2010
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
There were never such devoted sisters! Love that song. Can you name the movie its from? If so, bonus points for you!
So my blog post today is dedicated to my dear sister B. I pretty much think she walks on water and I kinda want to be her. I love her to bits. She is five and a half years younger than I am, and for the most part the age difference has worked out nicely for us. We were never on top of each other at school, so we didn't have that competitive thing going on that most siblings deal with. She acts like I can give her great life advice since I'm older, but honestly I think its more that she learns from my mistakes.
When Mom and Dad first told me I was getting a baby sister or brother, I guess I was pretty excited in my little five year old way. I was pretty lonely as a kid I guess, because I had two imaginary friends. (See I was a loser then too) Mom and Dad knew I approved of the addition to the family because they noticed that my imaginary friends Hodge Podge (a blue elephant) and Jack Pumpkin-Head (self explanatory) weren't being mentioned anymore. Finally my mom asked, and I told her that they moved into the attic to play checkers because they didn't like babies. I didn't try to move into the attic with them, so I guess I had decided I like babies.
I wasn't too thrilled when they brought B home though, because she cried at night and I was a little diva Kindergartener and needed my beauty sleep. A few months later I realized that I had a golden opportunity to manipulate this baby in my favor and tried to blame all sorts of stuff on her, including the time I called 911 when my mom was in the shower. In my defense, they never really explained what an emergency was...I probably was ready to change the channel on the tv and considered that an emergency. When B was a little older I could get her to do anything I wanted, including what we called Granny Face. Our great-grandmother generally did not wear her teeth anytime we were over there, so I taught B how to bring her lips inward so that she looked like she didn't have teeth like Granny. Mom would see her make that face and oh man she always got in trouble. She didn't know until years later that I was the one encouraging B to do it. So yes, I was a mean older sister for awhile, but deep down I knew I had a really good thing and never ever hated her.
B was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes when she was 10. I was a sophomore in high school at the time, and it scared the living crap out of me because suddenly my sister's entire life changed. Hell, all of our lives changed. I was a little bitter at first because Mom and Dad gave her major attention and I was just their other kid. In hindsight, I was never treated badly or anything...I think it was all teenage angst. However, I do think a big part of that angst was being faced with the idea that my sis is going to have a rough road and, in my morbid head, wouldn't be around for as long as I wanted her to be. I partly viewed the diabetes as a death sentence (it had been for my uncle) so I was terrified and it was easier to be angry than to deal with it. Like I said before, I knew B was an amazing sibling and person and I was already really close to her at that point, so it was really scary for me.
B is one of only two people who I feel completely safe around. I mean safe in the way that I can say or do anything and she wouldn't judge me at all. The other is T, and well he's the male version of B personality wise so it makes sense. We have so many silly little inside jokes that can make me giggle for hours and it truly brightens my day. I aspire to be more like her in every way. I'm super proud of everything she's accomplished and I'm fiercely protective of her. Mess with her and I'll break your face. She'd do the same for me. We're awesome like that.
So basically my sister is amazing. B is always there for me no matter what and puts up with all the annoying things about me. Having her around is pretty sweet, and I hope she knows just how much I love her.
So my blog post today is dedicated to my dear sister B. I pretty much think she walks on water and I kinda want to be her. I love her to bits. She is five and a half years younger than I am, and for the most part the age difference has worked out nicely for us. We were never on top of each other at school, so we didn't have that competitive thing going on that most siblings deal with. She acts like I can give her great life advice since I'm older, but honestly I think its more that she learns from my mistakes.
When Mom and Dad first told me I was getting a baby sister or brother, I guess I was pretty excited in my little five year old way. I was pretty lonely as a kid I guess, because I had two imaginary friends. (See I was a loser then too) Mom and Dad knew I approved of the addition to the family because they noticed that my imaginary friends Hodge Podge (a blue elephant) and Jack Pumpkin-Head (self explanatory) weren't being mentioned anymore. Finally my mom asked, and I told her that they moved into the attic to play checkers because they didn't like babies. I didn't try to move into the attic with them, so I guess I had decided I like babies.
I wasn't too thrilled when they brought B home though, because she cried at night and I was a little diva Kindergartener and needed my beauty sleep. A few months later I realized that I had a golden opportunity to manipulate this baby in my favor and tried to blame all sorts of stuff on her, including the time I called 911 when my mom was in the shower. In my defense, they never really explained what an emergency was...I probably was ready to change the channel on the tv and considered that an emergency. When B was a little older I could get her to do anything I wanted, including what we called Granny Face. Our great-grandmother generally did not wear her teeth anytime we were over there, so I taught B how to bring her lips inward so that she looked like she didn't have teeth like Granny. Mom would see her make that face and oh man she always got in trouble. She didn't know until years later that I was the one encouraging B to do it. So yes, I was a mean older sister for awhile, but deep down I knew I had a really good thing and never ever hated her.
B was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes when she was 10. I was a sophomore in high school at the time, and it scared the living crap out of me because suddenly my sister's entire life changed. Hell, all of our lives changed. I was a little bitter at first because Mom and Dad gave her major attention and I was just their other kid. In hindsight, I was never treated badly or anything...I think it was all teenage angst. However, I do think a big part of that angst was being faced with the idea that my sis is going to have a rough road and, in my morbid head, wouldn't be around for as long as I wanted her to be. I partly viewed the diabetes as a death sentence (it had been for my uncle) so I was terrified and it was easier to be angry than to deal with it. Like I said before, I knew B was an amazing sibling and person and I was already really close to her at that point, so it was really scary for me.
B is one of only two people who I feel completely safe around. I mean safe in the way that I can say or do anything and she wouldn't judge me at all. The other is T, and well he's the male version of B personality wise so it makes sense. We have so many silly little inside jokes that can make me giggle for hours and it truly brightens my day. I aspire to be more like her in every way. I'm super proud of everything she's accomplished and I'm fiercely protective of her. Mess with her and I'll break your face. She'd do the same for me. We're awesome like that.
So basically my sister is amazing. B is always there for me no matter what and puts up with all the annoying things about me. Having her around is pretty sweet, and I hope she knows just how much I love her.
Monday, June 21, 2010
Bittersweet Symphony
Remember that song? No clue if this blog post is even relevant to that song but I'm having a weird day so I feel it fits the occasion.
I've been a icky mood since Friday. I'm slightly depressed, the biggest reason being that my grandma was taken into the hospital and we weren't really sure what was going on. She's the only grandparent I have left, and at 85 years old let's be honest I don't know how much time I have left with her. Though with how tough she is she may just outlive us all. The tests are coming back ok, but I'm still really stressed and worried about it.
Out of my four grandparents, I never met my paternal grandfather (he died when my Dad was a teenager) and my paternal grandma and my other grandpa (Peepaw as I so called him when I was a little kid) died when I was in 3rd and 4th grade, respectively. I was really, really close to them. Like, if I wasn't with my parents then I was definitely at one of their houses being spoiled rotten cause I was the favorite. After my grandma died I was a mess and my parents had to put me in grief counseling because I wasn't dealing with it very well. I honestly don't remember 3rd grade cause I guess I've blocked it. When my grandpa died a year later I knew how to deal with death but I was still pretty bad and to this day get choked up thinking about how much of my life they've both missed out on. I wish they could have seen everything I've accomplished in my life, because honestly I think they'd be really happy to see that I'm doing ok and I married someone amazing and I own my own house. I really wish I could have seen them with my as-yet-unrealized kids. Hopefully my grandma will be able to meet any great-grandchildren I may pop out in the future, but this whole thing with her health has me freaked out on so many levels.
Another slight depression thing involves our open house party. Remember when I told you all about my party anxiety? Well, it was affirmed again. Don't get me wrong, I am so very appreciative of the friends and family who did make the effort to come out and support us this weekend. I love each and every one of you, and I thank you so much for your kindness. I should be focused on you and how awesome you are. But the ugly side of me is obsessed and pissed with the 20+ people who said they'd come and then didn't show. Seriously? I'd rather you have said oh sorry I have plans. Don't freaking lie to my face and smile and act like you are my friend. I don't get it...why tell me you are going to be there? Do people not realize that I spent a large amount of time / effort / money so I can show them a good time? Now I have like, 25 bottles of beer and 100 jello shots and 30 hot dog weenies in my fridge. All I can think about is why I'm not "good enough" for the people who didn't show up when I should be focused on those who are amazing and were there. I'm a f***ed up individual.
Right now you are probably thinking, um this is all bitter and no sweet, but here is the sweet part: I am getting a second niece in November! I'm really really happy and excited for Sis-in-law M and Bro-in-law A and Niece A! I love that my family is expanding and that I'll be there for the whole duration of this little girl's life. I plan on spoiling her rotten, and continuing to spoil Niece A even more. I am so in love with Niece A - she's one of my current favorite things.
So I"m sad and happy all at the same time, and I think that could be considered bittersweet. I appreciate all of the love I have in my life right now, but I'm stressed over alot of stuff at the same time. I don't know...I just needed to talk to someone about it and well, you blog peeps won. I'll try to perk up and blog about some fun party stuff later tonight.
I've been a icky mood since Friday. I'm slightly depressed, the biggest reason being that my grandma was taken into the hospital and we weren't really sure what was going on. She's the only grandparent I have left, and at 85 years old let's be honest I don't know how much time I have left with her. Though with how tough she is she may just outlive us all. The tests are coming back ok, but I'm still really stressed and worried about it.
Out of my four grandparents, I never met my paternal grandfather (he died when my Dad was a teenager) and my paternal grandma and my other grandpa (Peepaw as I so called him when I was a little kid) died when I was in 3rd and 4th grade, respectively. I was really, really close to them. Like, if I wasn't with my parents then I was definitely at one of their houses being spoiled rotten cause I was the favorite. After my grandma died I was a mess and my parents had to put me in grief counseling because I wasn't dealing with it very well. I honestly don't remember 3rd grade cause I guess I've blocked it. When my grandpa died a year later I knew how to deal with death but I was still pretty bad and to this day get choked up thinking about how much of my life they've both missed out on. I wish they could have seen everything I've accomplished in my life, because honestly I think they'd be really happy to see that I'm doing ok and I married someone amazing and I own my own house. I really wish I could have seen them with my as-yet-unrealized kids. Hopefully my grandma will be able to meet any great-grandchildren I may pop out in the future, but this whole thing with her health has me freaked out on so many levels.
Another slight depression thing involves our open house party. Remember when I told you all about my party anxiety? Well, it was affirmed again. Don't get me wrong, I am so very appreciative of the friends and family who did make the effort to come out and support us this weekend. I love each and every one of you, and I thank you so much for your kindness. I should be focused on you and how awesome you are. But the ugly side of me is obsessed and pissed with the 20+ people who said they'd come and then didn't show. Seriously? I'd rather you have said oh sorry I have plans. Don't freaking lie to my face and smile and act like you are my friend. I don't get it...why tell me you are going to be there? Do people not realize that I spent a large amount of time / effort / money so I can show them a good time? Now I have like, 25 bottles of beer and 100 jello shots and 30 hot dog weenies in my fridge. All I can think about is why I'm not "good enough" for the people who didn't show up when I should be focused on those who are amazing and were there. I'm a f***ed up individual.
Right now you are probably thinking, um this is all bitter and no sweet, but here is the sweet part: I am getting a second niece in November! I'm really really happy and excited for Sis-in-law M and Bro-in-law A and Niece A! I love that my family is expanding and that I'll be there for the whole duration of this little girl's life. I plan on spoiling her rotten, and continuing to spoil Niece A even more. I am so in love with Niece A - she's one of my current favorite things.
So I"m sad and happy all at the same time, and I think that could be considered bittersweet. I appreciate all of the love I have in my life right now, but I'm stressed over alot of stuff at the same time. I don't know...I just needed to talk to someone about it and well, you blog peeps won. I'll try to perk up and blog about some fun party stuff later tonight.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Hi I'm Mer and I'm Lazy
Seriously, I'm like the laziest individual on the planet. My laziness effects almost all aspects of my life. I don't work out cause I'm too tired and would rather watch tv or play Super Mario Galaxy 2. Which, btw, is the hardest. game. ever. ok not really but this one damn level is holding me up from finishing the whole game and I apparently turn into Queen Bitchiness the Fourth every time I play. T is gonna leave me if I don't take a chill pill next time I try to play this game. But if those damn goombas keep getting in my way then so help me I might just...
I'm lazy. We moved into the new house on May 22. It is June 15 and we still have boxes all over the place. You can't get into my closet because there is just piles and piles of clothes and blankets on the floor. All of my shoes except the pair I wear to work and my flip flops are still packed. This makes me wonder if I really need to keep all of those shoes since I haven't even tried to wear them yet. The only part of our bathroom we have unpacked are the things we use daily, like our toothbrushes and contact solution. Our gameroom upstairs was full of boxes and empty book cases. Basically, our house is a royal mess and honestly, it didn't bug me one damn bit because, as I said before, I'm lazy and figured eh I'll do it eventually...maybe...
So this weekend B and Sis-in-Law M decided it was time for an intervention. They basically called me out and said it was time to grow up and unpack my house. I grumbled and whined and really thought I could squirm out of it (the goombas were calling my name!) but no they are two tough cookies and won the war. We got the whole gameroom organized as well as 99% of the boxes that had been in the breakfast nook unpacked. Thank goodness I have people around me who see my laziness and can guilt-trip me into doing things.
The only area of life I'm not really lazy in is work, but that's because I'm a people pleaser so I can't be lazy and not do stuff at work cause then my boss wouldn't like me anymore and that would pretty much kill me. So often times I forget to take my time doing things and end up with nothing to do because I'm already done with all of my projects for the week by Tuesday at noon. I wish I could transfer some of that work ethic to my personal life, but ha I don't have to impress T anymore cause he married me and he's stuck with me so HA!
So there you have it, my worst fault. I hope you can all accept me anyway.
I'm lazy. We moved into the new house on May 22. It is June 15 and we still have boxes all over the place. You can't get into my closet because there is just piles and piles of clothes and blankets on the floor. All of my shoes except the pair I wear to work and my flip flops are still packed. This makes me wonder if I really need to keep all of those shoes since I haven't even tried to wear them yet. The only part of our bathroom we have unpacked are the things we use daily, like our toothbrushes and contact solution. Our gameroom upstairs was full of boxes and empty book cases. Basically, our house is a royal mess and honestly, it didn't bug me one damn bit because, as I said before, I'm lazy and figured eh I'll do it eventually...maybe...
So this weekend B and Sis-in-Law M decided it was time for an intervention. They basically called me out and said it was time to grow up and unpack my house. I grumbled and whined and really thought I could squirm out of it (the goombas were calling my name!) but no they are two tough cookies and won the war. We got the whole gameroom organized as well as 99% of the boxes that had been in the breakfast nook unpacked. Thank goodness I have people around me who see my laziness and can guilt-trip me into doing things.
The only area of life I'm not really lazy in is work, but that's because I'm a people pleaser so I can't be lazy and not do stuff at work cause then my boss wouldn't like me anymore and that would pretty much kill me. So often times I forget to take my time doing things and end up with nothing to do because I'm already done with all of my projects for the week by Tuesday at noon. I wish I could transfer some of that work ethic to my personal life, but ha I don't have to impress T anymore cause he married me and he's stuck with me so HA!
So there you have it, my worst fault. I hope you can all accept me anyway.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Ain't No Party like an Open House Party!
At least I think that's how that phrase goes...
Anyway, we are having a party to show off our new digs. We've sent out a blanket facebook invitation to pretty much everyone we know because I secretly need validation for my new house/life/whatever and need to throw the best house party Crosby has seen this year. T, on the other hand, isn't as thrilled about a HUGE party that involves copious amounts of alcohol. He'd be perfectly fine if no one ever saw our house.
So far about 30ish people have given me a firm "hell yeah I'll be there" but I have major party anxiety and expect three people to show up (which so won't happen, as three of my friends and their husbands are staying with us the entire weekend, making the automatic guest count at least six). As you can see this anxiety has no logical basis, but I feel like I'm a notorious lame party thrower...let me take you back to 1998...
I was a freshman in high school. I was friends with a large group of people from my church youth group. I thought I was well liked and that everyone would love to come to my uncle's annual crawfish boil (Note: I base all epic parties on his crawfish boils...he and his friends threw kick ass parties and I have always dreamed of having the same kind of awesome events as an adult). I invited everyone to come, and everyone said they'd love to be there. Everyone lied. Only two people came and I was so embarrassed and didn't understand why they didn't like me enough to show up or at least give me an excuse. I've pretty much harbored that 14 year old mentality when it comes to planning social events ever since.
So here I am some 13 years later (holy crap) and I continuously check the facebook event page hoping to see the attending number increase, proving that people like me. Can you say LAME? I mean, I logically know that this anxiety is stupid. I know it will be fun whoever comes and we will have a great night drinking, playing some games and just hanging out.
But the 14 year old inside of me will continue to nag me for the rest of my life and frankly if that 14 year old isn't appeased then I'll probably just die.
Yeah, that's overdramatic but damn it some of you expect some drama from a blog that's named after the mother of all drama-fueled reality shows. Here's hoping some awesome college-esque drama goes down at my party so I have something to post about after. I just kinda hope that the drama doesn't revolve around me and my penchant for dancing when I drink too much.
Anyway, we are having a party to show off our new digs. We've sent out a blanket facebook invitation to pretty much everyone we know because I secretly need validation for my new house/life/whatever and need to throw the best house party Crosby has seen this year. T, on the other hand, isn't as thrilled about a HUGE party that involves copious amounts of alcohol. He'd be perfectly fine if no one ever saw our house.
So far about 30ish people have given me a firm "hell yeah I'll be there" but I have major party anxiety and expect three people to show up (which so won't happen, as three of my friends and their husbands are staying with us the entire weekend, making the automatic guest count at least six). As you can see this anxiety has no logical basis, but I feel like I'm a notorious lame party thrower...let me take you back to 1998...
I was a freshman in high school. I was friends with a large group of people from my church youth group. I thought I was well liked and that everyone would love to come to my uncle's annual crawfish boil (Note: I base all epic parties on his crawfish boils...he and his friends threw kick ass parties and I have always dreamed of having the same kind of awesome events as an adult). I invited everyone to come, and everyone said they'd love to be there. Everyone lied. Only two people came and I was so embarrassed and didn't understand why they didn't like me enough to show up or at least give me an excuse. I've pretty much harbored that 14 year old mentality when it comes to planning social events ever since.
So here I am some 13 years later (holy crap) and I continuously check the facebook event page hoping to see the attending number increase, proving that people like me. Can you say LAME? I mean, I logically know that this anxiety is stupid. I know it will be fun whoever comes and we will have a great night drinking, playing some games and just hanging out.
But the 14 year old inside of me will continue to nag me for the rest of my life and frankly if that 14 year old isn't appeased then I'll probably just die.
Yeah, that's overdramatic but damn it some of you expect some drama from a blog that's named after the mother of all drama-fueled reality shows. Here's hoping some awesome college-esque drama goes down at my party so I have something to post about after. I just kinda hope that the drama doesn't revolve around me and my penchant for dancing when I drink too much.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Sad Times Indeed!
Rue McClanahan died today, leaving only one Golden Girl left. I'm seriously depressed by this bit of news. A part of me blames Gary Coleman and Dennis Hopper for paving the way to the "Celebrity deaths come in 3s" thing. Dang it...
Am I the only one who finds themselves truly upset when a celebrity dies? I remember when Heath Ledger died...I was depressed for like, three days. Then Brittany Murphy did the same thing. Oy...I'm going to go mourn now by watching the Hallmark channel's repeats of Golden Girls and eating a pint of Ben & Jerry's.
What celebrity deaths have effected you most?
Am I the only one who finds themselves truly upset when a celebrity dies? I remember when Heath Ledger died...I was depressed for like, three days. Then Brittany Murphy did the same thing. Oy...I'm going to go mourn now by watching the Hallmark channel's repeats of Golden Girls and eating a pint of Ben & Jerry's.
What celebrity deaths have effected you most?
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
My House is Plagued...
with a cannibal man-eating frog! *Cue organ horror/shock music*
Ok, so maybe I exaggerate a tiny bit. For Christmas this year, T's mom gave him two aquatic frogs. They were easy to take care of, just a few pellets every other day. We noticed that one frog was considerably bigger than the other, and he would bully him around. He sometimes appeared to be raping the tiny one. I guess he was lonely and needed some lovin'.
We left the frogs at the apartment during our big move. They were only there for two nights alone, and so we expected them to both be alive and kicking when T went back to the apartment. Unfortunately, the tiny frog was dead and floating lifelessly at the bottom of their little cube. We thought he just died of natural causes...or did he??
T left the now single frog at the apartment for another couple of nights. When he went back to finish up the apartment cleaning, he discovered something horrible: the bully frog ATE the corpse of the tiny frog! All that is left are a couple of tiny frog bones among the pebbles!! We own a cannibal man eating frog!!! Isn't that horrible!?! Maybe he murdered his tiny buddy so he could have a hearty snack!
I'm really creeped out by the frog now and kinda want to flush him. Thoughts?
Ok, so maybe I exaggerate a tiny bit. For Christmas this year, T's mom gave him two aquatic frogs. They were easy to take care of, just a few pellets every other day. We noticed that one frog was considerably bigger than the other, and he would bully him around. He sometimes appeared to be raping the tiny one. I guess he was lonely and needed some lovin'.
We left the frogs at the apartment during our big move. They were only there for two nights alone, and so we expected them to both be alive and kicking when T went back to the apartment. Unfortunately, the tiny frog was dead and floating lifelessly at the bottom of their little cube. We thought he just died of natural causes...or did he??
T left the now single frog at the apartment for another couple of nights. When he went back to finish up the apartment cleaning, he discovered something horrible: the bully frog ATE the corpse of the tiny frog! All that is left are a couple of tiny frog bones among the pebbles!! We own a cannibal man eating frog!!! Isn't that horrible!?! Maybe he murdered his tiny buddy so he could have a hearty snack!
I'm really creeped out by the frog now and kinda want to flush him. Thoughts?
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