Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Hi I'm Mer and I'm Lazy

Seriously, I'm like the laziest individual on the planet. My laziness effects almost all aspects of my life. I don't work out cause I'm too tired and would rather watch tv or play Super Mario Galaxy 2. Which, btw, is the hardest. game. ever. ok not really but this one damn level is holding me up from finishing the whole game and I apparently turn into Queen Bitchiness the Fourth every time I play. T is gonna leave me if I don't take a chill pill next time I try to play this game. But if those damn goombas keep getting in my way then so help me I might just...


I'm lazy. We moved into the new house on May 22. It is June 15 and we still have boxes all over the place. You can't get into my closet because there is just piles and piles of clothes and blankets on the floor. All of my shoes except the pair I wear to work and my flip flops are still packed. This makes me wonder if I really need to keep all of those shoes since I haven't even tried to wear them yet. The only part of our bathroom we have unpacked are the things we use daily, like our toothbrushes and contact solution. Our gameroom upstairs was full of boxes and empty book cases. Basically, our house is a royal mess and honestly, it didn't bug me one damn bit because, as I said before, I'm lazy and figured eh I'll do it eventually...maybe...

So this weekend B and Sis-in-Law M decided it was time for an intervention. They basically called me out and said it was time to grow up and unpack my house. I grumbled and whined and really thought I could squirm out of it (the goombas were calling my name!) but no they are two tough cookies and won the war. We got the whole gameroom organized as well as 99% of the boxes that had been in the breakfast nook unpacked. Thank goodness I have people around me who see my laziness and can guilt-trip me into doing things.

The only area of life I'm not really lazy in is work, but that's because I'm a people pleaser so I can't be lazy and not do stuff at work cause then my boss wouldn't like me anymore and that would pretty much kill me. So often times I forget to take my time doing things and end up with nothing to do because I'm already done with all of my projects for the week by Tuesday at noon. I wish I could transfer some of that work ethic to my personal life, but ha I don't have to impress T anymore cause he married me and he's stuck with me so HA!

So there you have it, my worst fault. I hope you can all accept me anyway.

1 comment:

  1. i accept you, but i do encourage you to channel your work ethic into the rest of your life!
